Tag Archives: life rocks

Some serious awesomeness

Hubs and I got back to SEA-town late last night. Wow, what a whirl wind of a weekend. We had SO much fun.

This weekend wore me out so much that I spent most of today napping and laying around in my pajamas. Yea, I have no shame. It was glorious. I might even do it again tomorrow. 😉

I will definitely take time this week to do full recaps but I just wanted to let you all know that I PR-ed!!! 🙂

It wasn’t quite as fast as I was secretly hoping to run and I definitely ran out of steam once again but I am proud of how I did!

In other news… I just found out that I GOT THE JOB I WANTED!!!! Ahhhh I am so so excited! I start NEXT week!!!

Getting this job just solidifies the fact that making the move to Seattle was the best thing we could have done. It may have been scary making such a huge move and only knowing one person out here, but Seattle has become our home. I am so proud we took this risk.

Ok, time to make some dinner, finish the last few pages of Catching Fire, watch some trashy TV, and go to bed!

Happy Monday all! And what a happy Monday it has been!


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