Tag Archives: I’m a dork

Straight No Chaser

After work last night, I met up with some of my girlies to go see Straight No Chaser at McCaw Hall right next to the space needle. If you have not heard of Straight No Chaser, then run… Don’t walk… To your nearest YouTube. They are an all male a Capella group that I first heard of several years ago on YouTube.


They started back in 1996 while they were all in college, but they didn’t get “discovered” until their 10 year college reunion in 2006. Before their reunion, one of the members put some of their old videos up on YouTube. One video in particular received millions of views in just a couple weeks. One of those people who watched it happened to be the head of a record label… And the rest is history.


Don’t mind my terrible picture…

Oh my goodness, these guys were so much fun. AND so freaking talented!!! Their version of Fix You is absolutely to die for, especially live. As I type this, I am purchasing all their albums. Can you tell I’m a fan?! Haha

You know it’s Xmas time when the space needle is decked out to look like a Christmas tree!!


Other fun news is that MY GLASSES CAME IN YESTERDAY!!! You guys… It is like a whole new world has opened up. I can actually see stuff!! It is amazing!!!


Anddddd I need to be banned from self portraits…

It was a glorious rest day for me yesterday, but I am definitely looking forward to getting my run in tonight! I feel like this past week of great runs has totally made me excited for my runs again. Such a great feeling.

What are you training for?!

What’s your favorite SNC song?

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Most important month of the year

It is finally here friends. August has arrived and she is beautiful in all her glory. Just in case you didn’t know, august is by far the most important month of the year. Why, you ask? Because we are officially in MY BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!

I don’t care how old I get, I will ALWAYS love my birthday! Haha

Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s recap July!

Technically this happened the very end of June, but it was very important to July… Betty became part of our family!!


For the 4th, hubs and I made the trip to Spokane, WA and got to see hubs fam! His parents even flew up!


I got to run a kick booty 5k race! See Jane Run = <3!


Hubs turned 25 years old!!


I ran over 30 miles for the month! Nothing too crazy but consistent so I will take it!


July was indeed a good month, but I am really excited for August!! It is going to be a good month. I can feel it.

On an “I’m a genius” note… I made a whole pot of coffee this morning… WITHOUT the coffee pot. Oh Monday, you are so cruel. Here’s to hoping I actually wake up this morning with my head attached to my body.

I am working on a post that explains some big goals that I have for august. It’s going to be so good!

I hope you all enjoy the first day of my birthday month!


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