Tag Archives: My family rocks


I have been avoiding recapping my Labor Day weekend simply because I don’t want to admit that it is over.

My MIL and FIL flew in for a long weekend visit. Boy, I sure am lucky because I honestly look forward to every chance we get to spend time with them. They are such fantastic people, and I am NOT just saying that because my MIL reads my blog. 😉

As most of you may already know, they are the people that got me started with running over two years ago. Before then, I wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. Now, running is such a major blessing in my life. It is my release, my passion, my me-time. It is the reason I have met so many fantastic people out here in Seattle. I am so incredibly thankful that they told me ‘yes, you can’ when all I could think of was ‘no, I can’t.’ Ok, swear I’m done being a total sap.

Anyways, whenever my inlaws and I are reunited I get SUPER excited to have my running buddy back. And run, we did.

We ran 4 beautiful Alki miles one day and 6 gorgeous Downtown Waterfront miles the next. I got to show off some amazing views like this:


And this:


Those were some of the best miles I have felt in a long time. Serious runners high. I’m tellin ya, there is nothing like it.

We did do other things besides run. We drank coffee that was way too pretty to be consumed:


We took a $1 beer tour at Red Hook Brewery:


And we got to spend some serious quality time shopping with Cousie D and Aunt Do. Pictures of my damage to come in a different post.

We ate, we laughed, we ate some more. Overall, it was one of the best weekends we have had in a long time. It was really hard to see them go, but it just makes me super excited for the next time we get to see them. It always gives us something to look forward to. 🙂

What did you do this Labor Day weekend? What is one thing that makes you lucky?


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Pizza experienced twice and a win

Well, last night’s workout was interesting to say the least.

I was absolutely STARVED when dinner rolled around last night. I was so starved, in fact, that I was easily able to stuff my face with THREE slices of greasy deliciousness that we pizza. I did not get a chance to work out before dinner, so after dinner was my only option. Note to self: THAT WAS A BAD IDEA.

I decided to go hop on Betty and try my hand at the Galloway method. I settled on a 3:1 approach (Run 3 minutes walk 1). The run was going fabulously for… ohhh about 30 seconds. From the get-go I felt like I was seriously going to taste my pizza for a second time. I even had some heartburn that was getting worse and worse by the second. It was MISERABLE.

1.25 miles (that was all I could handle) 14:30 (11:36 pace).

Yikes. Not my best running moment.


Ok, so now back to Part 3 of the 4th of July in Spokane. (Part 1 here and Part 2 here)

Sunday morning, I woke up nice and early to get a run in with my in laws before we went back to Coeur d’Alene. Boy, was it HOT! This girl is seriously not used to running in the heat anymore. There were a couple times I wanted to throw in the towel, but I didn’t give up. We got in a good 4.5 miles with about an 11:30 pace. I was honestly surprised I got it under 12 min pace. It felt that rough. But it was great running with the fam again. I definitely miss having them as running buddies.

After we got back home, got some breakfast, and got ready, we headed out to Coeur d’Alene once again. It really is gorgeous there. I was a bad blogger and forgot my phone in Spokane, so I didn’t have any pictures from this Coeur d’Alene trip. I will steal them from hubs later.

After a couple hours, we headed back for what we do best… drink cocktails!! 🙂


We all hung out, talked, snacked, and played ladder ball.

ladder ball

Cousie D and I kicked may-jah booty at ladder ball. That game is so much fun.

hubs and my cheesiness
[ I just love hubs smile. He always looks SO happy! ]
adorbs family
[ Aren’t they just adorbs?! Cousie D and Aunt Do! ]

After some more drinks, it was time for a “friendly” game of poker. $10 buy in can go a long way!

After nearly going out about a thousand times and SERIOUSLY getting lucky on the river (get your mind out of the gutter), I walked away victorious and with $50 extra bucks in my pocket.

Never underestimate the power of a drunkie female poker player. Muwahahaha.

The next morning, hubs and I headed back to Seattle pretty early. We were exhausted, but it was definitely an amazing trip with family. Just a couple more months before we get to see them again!

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You’ll shoot your eye out

Last nights workout:
1.5 mile walk with spurts of running at 6 incline (19 min 23 sec)
200 flutter kicks
2×60 sec plank


So, where did we leave off? Oh yes, camera whore-ing it up on the way to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

Once we got to Aunt W and Uncle G’s house, we got to meet a sweet sweet new addition to the family. Cousie C had a baby just 8 weeks ago. He gave us baby fever to the extreme!


Look at that sweet little face!

After playing with the babes, I got my tan on… Or in my case, got my ghost white on. The sun was out and it was glorious.


Once it got dark, it was time for fireworks!! I was thinking that we were just going to be playing with sparklers or something. Oh heck no. They mean serious business in Idaho!


And that was a small one!

It was so much fun but I seriously someone was going to shoot their eye out. I’ll post a video later. I can’t do it from my phone.

We headed back to Spokane, opened up a bottle of champagne, and then hit the sack. After only 3 hours of sleep the night before, I was SO ready for bed.

Me and my fellow wino mother in law.

Stay tuned for part 3 and a big win!


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