Tag Archives: My fam rocks

I Wanna Rock And Roll All Night

Soooo I may or may not have pulled the trigger on something exciting!!! And because of that, I may or may not be getting a Rock Encore medal this year!!!

Dum da da dummm!


Yep… Hubs and I will be venturing down to San Diego in June!! Last years RnR half was so much fun. I really loved it. I got to run with my MIL for the first 4 miles, I set a PR, I got to enjoy the sunshine, and sweet hubs waited at the finish with a rose for me. It was awesome.


I came THISCLOSE to doing the RnR Portland, but when it came down to it, I loved having an excuse to go see my family. Plus, my sister is running her very first full mary and I would love to be there for that. Ahh I am so excited.


I am going to kill it this year! Mark my words. Training starts March 11th and I could not be more excited. This is going to be my A race of 2012. I am going to give it my all.

Uhm… Can someone remind me that I said that about 7 weeks into my training?


Wooooo! Time to put the training plan together!!!

What is your ‘A race’ this year?!


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Missing them already

This past weekend was the best weekend I have had in a long time. My parents came to visit and got to see the city that we now call home. It’s about time!



It definitely helps knowing that your parents approve of your home and your city. I think it helps them just as much as it helps me.

We had so much fun touring Seattle. We took my parents to Pike Place, the top of the Space Needle, across the floating bridge, to an ‘all you can eat meat’ Brazilian BBQ place… We played rock band, drank beer margs, drank wine… We laughed, we talked, we enjoyed each others company.


The weekend went by incredibly too fast. I didn’t want them to leave. Luckily, Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we will be back in San Diego to see them!

I am so incredibly lucky to have such amazing and supportive parents. They have been there for me through everything. It makes my heart so happy to hear them say how proud they are of me for taking such a big risk and moving. I know they miss me and wish I was still in San Diego, but they also know that Seattle is the best career move we could have made. We are making something of ourselves.

“He that is over-cautious will accomplish little” -Friedrich Von Schiller

So true. I think this can be applied to many things in life. If I would not have done something that was scary to me (sign up for my first half marathon, move to Seattle, fall in love), I have no idea where I would be right now.

What have you done to take a big risk?


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The whirlwind has just begun

Happy Labor Day everyone!! I hope you are all enjoying the day off with family and friends soaking up the sun. After all, this holiday typically marks the end of summer.

This weekend was amazing. Man, I have so much to catch you all up on. First things first… I have a confession to make. August did not turn out how I hoped. I only ran 18 miles. I think that is nearly an all time monthly low. I am not dwelling on those numbers though. Instead, I am already making up for it in September.

Friday: 4 miles ran. No garmin. FABULOUS run.
Saturday: 7 miles ran. 1:23. 11:51 pace. Slow. Hot. Hard. But beautiful.

I also walked miles and miles on the hills of downtown Seattle with my in laws!! I. Am. So. Sore.

Ooh baby it hurts SO good.

I have lots of pictures to share and good times to recap. But until then, I have to scour the house for my parents visit on Friday!!! Yes, more visitors!!! Love it!

Did you enjoy the sun this weekend?

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Happy (Belated) 4th!

Wow! What a weekend. Hubba and I drove out to Spokane, WA to have a mini family reunion. Hubs parents and sister flew in from San Diego and grandparents drove up from San Diego! Plus, he has two sets of aunts and uncles and cousins in the area. It was SO much fun!

We headed out at 6 am on Saturday morning. The sun was rising on an absolutely beautiful day.


Mount Rainier event decided to grace us with it’s presence. It was stunning. This picture does not do it justice.


I just love driving through the pass. There were hardly any cars on the road so we really just got to take in the scenery.


About an hour out from Spokane, we stopped for Starbucks and saw a fireworks stand. For this San Diego girl, seeing a fireworks stand is a huge deal! It was crazy!


We made it to Spokane just in time to say our hellos and head out to Coeur d’Alene, ID.



This is getting really long already so you will just have to wait for part 2! 🙂


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Memorial Weekend

This nice long weekend really was SO fun! It started by getting my last longish run in before the half marathon!!

Running stats: 6.03 miles/1:10:40/11:43 pace

I just barely beat the rain. It was the perfect way to finish off my training cycle. I even saw a huge group of Canadian geese!


I walked around just a bit to cool down. That is when I snapped this picture:


Ya, I live here. It is days like that that just remind me how lucky I am!

After running, I did some damage at the Nordies half yearly sale! I got over $100 worth of clothes for $40!! Seriously love that place!

That night we met some new friends and some amazing family at Prost in West Seattle for a surprise birthday party. Prost is a German bar. It has a really cool vibe.


Saturday, hubs and I had a nice relaxing day followed by dinner and poker at a friends house. The hostess, J, did such an amazing job with the decor and the meal. That girl has some serious talent!



Yesterday, hubs went and played golf with some fam so I had a nice relaxing day at home. I caught up on some important shows. Ya know, the Jersey Show marathon is vital entertainment in this household. I also took some quality time whore-ing it up for the camera.


After the boys were done golfing, We went and had dinner at cousin D’s house. It was the perfect way to end a great visit from the fam!

Now, I am seriously working on my hydration. All the alcohol that was consumed this weekend did not help in that department.

A BIG shout out to Leigh at All you need is love for running her very first half marathon this past weekend!! You go girl!

6 days til the RnR San Diegooo!!


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Good start to a long weekend




Oh yes, be jealous. Friday night with family, new friends, and beer will always be a successful night!! 🙂

Happy memorial day weekend!!

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