Tag Archives: camera whore

Plank you very much

Betty and I got our run on last night. Ooh baby it hurt so good. Can’t you tell by my jank face?


Sexy, huh!

I got a solid interval run in… 3.25 miles in 34 minutes for a 10:28 pace.

After getting my run on, I did some strength work.

2×60(!!!) sec planks
2×2 min side to sides (feelin these today!!)
2×2 min squatted punch thingys (anyone know what I’m talking about?!)
2×30 sec static crunch


I don’t know how much you follow the twitter world. If you don’t you should… And then follow me @SkippingInSEA!

Anyways, there is a thing going on right now called Plank A Day. They are challenging everyone to get their cores strong by (obviously) doing a plank every day.


I am a huge fan of getting a small form of exercise in on even my rest days. If that means I only get 2 minutes of ab work in, that gets me 2 minutes closer to my flat toned tummy.

I am all for this whole plank a day thing. It takes hardly any time at all, but is seriously good for your core. Us runners NEED a tight core!

Are there any exercises that you do every single day?

And just because you didn’t get enough pictures of me today…


You’re welcome.

P.S. I swear I don’t wear eyeliner thicker than a raccoon. It’s the photo filter. Sexy, I know.


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WTF Hot Chocolate?!

At work, we have these kick booty coffee makers that deliver a refreshing cup of freshly ground starbucks coffee by the push of a button. Much to my delight, they also dispense Starbucks Hot Cocoa!


I have been having about one of these tasty things each day. I thought it was a sweet LITTLE treat, emphasis on the LITTLE!

I was curious how many calories were in it, so I did some googling. WTF Hot Chocolate!?!


370 calories and 16 grams of fat for a SMALL treat?! You can get a subway sandwich for fewer calories than that!!

Needless to say, I am no longer drinking hot chocolate. I will stick with my cup of coffee and lots of half and half for a grand total of 30 calories, thankyouverymuch.

Yesterday, I did another strength workout. I don’t know why but it feels nice taking a tiny break from running. (My knee is still kind of annoying me)

3×100 flutter kicks
3×30 sec planks
52 leg raises on each side
50 side to sides
3×30 sec static crunch

Exciting news in the work out world. I will be sharing soon! 🙂 And yes, it does involve running.


Just because I know you love seeing awesomely dorky pictures of me, I decided to whore it up for you. This is a night in the life of me, during the commercials breaks from The Voice.


I think I have a cavity, but that won’t stop me from getting high on smarties. And no, I will not be looking at the calorie count on these. Some things you are better off not knowing.


Smarties make me smart… And do sophisticated poses like this.


Oh, Diet Coke… I love you and all your chemicals too much.

Who are you rooting for on The Voice?
I love Javier, but dang I can’t listen to Dia’s songs enough. SO ridiculously good.

What is your candy weakness?

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West Seattle 5K Race Recap

I was actually surprised at how big this race ended up being. There were over 1,000 people that successfully completed the 5K. All the proceeds went to West Seattle High School.

The race started at 9:30 am which meant that I actually was able to sleep in a little bit on the morning of a race! That is always a nice surprise. I woke up at about 7:30, got dressed, ate a bagel thin and a banana, whored it up for the camera and headed on my way.

[Traffic cone orange shirt for the win!]

The race was just a couple miles away, so the drive was nice and easy. Hubs and I got to the start line about 30 minutes to race start. We took advantage of that time to take more pictures!

[Statue of Liberty Plaza on Alki]

[Oh, Puget Sound, how I love thee]

[Hubs, the Puget Sound and me ]

About 10 minutes before the start of the race, I headed over to find my ideal position… not too fast, not too slow. It was actually really nice… they had three huge flags set up to direct participants to an accurate start position. Green flag for runners, yellow flag for joggers, red flag for walkers. I positioned myself happily in between the green and yellow. Then, I got my game face on.

Garmin on… check!

Timing chip secured… check!

It’s GO time!

The first mile FLEW by… I was REALLY trying not to start too fast. That is a HUGE problem of mine. I was aiming for around 10:20-10:30 for the first mile in order to get my PR.

Mile 1: 10:04 – Ya, so much for that whole going slow thing.

As we started approaching the half way turn around, I was starting to get really thirsty. I was expecting to see the water stop any minute, so I didn’t let my thirst affect my pace. The turn around came and went… no water station. What the heck?! This girl desperately needs her water when she runs.

Mile 2: 10:05 – Great pace still… looks like my PR is in the bag! Still no water station.

At this point, I knew I only had a mile left and that there should be water at the end, so I gave it everything I had.

Mile 3: 10:12 – ALMOST THEREEEE!!!

.1: 9:07 pace

Official total: 31:16

A HUGE PR!!! Heck ya! I will take it!

I really enjoyed this race. Maybe it was because it was my first race in Seattle, or maybe it was because it was my first 5K in quite a while…. but it was really fun. The ONLY thing that I would suggest for them next year is to have a water station. Or, if they choose not to have a water station, make sure that is WELL known on their website. I would have gladly brought my own if I would have known. Overall, it was a great race, in a great location. I absolutely would do this one again.

Here is to breaking the 10 min pace next time,


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