Tag Archives: slow as a hefalump

How to do speed work

Step 1.

Make sure you are in a major time crunch.

Step 2.

Make sure step 1’s time crunch forces you to have to send work emails in an extremely timely manner.

Step 3.

Run your freaking ass off on the treadmill until you are required to respond to a work email.

Step 4.

Stop running and send work email.

Step 5.

Realize you only have 3 minutes until you have to send the next email.

Step 6.

Go balls to the wall for the next 3 minutes. I mean, really make those legs hurt.

Step 7.

Send the next email.

Step 8.

Realize this is the most ridiculous workout you have done in a long time but its working because you are sweating like a friggin pig.

Step 9.

Lather, rinse, repeat steps 5-8 until you complete your desired distance.


No joke… This was my run last night. I felt so ridiculous having to stop every few minutes to send an email out, but damn, my legs were quivering by the end. That’s gotta count for something, right?! The art of multitasking was in high force. In the end, my speed work sesh kicked ass AND I completed my work tasks successfully. I may have to try out this form of speed work more often.

P.S. Have you noticed that little countdown on the left hand side of my page? No? Well, it just so happens to say that my PR 5k race is in 24 freaking days!!!! How did that happen so fast? In just over 3 weeks, I am going to put all this speed work to the test.

P.P.S. Have you seen the Boston Strong BIC bands that are available for pre order?

boston_band_preorder__46575.1366743860.1280.1280The ENTIRE purchase prices goes to “The One Fund Boston” in order to help families affected by the Boston Marathon tragedy. It makes me love BIC Bands even more. I preordered mine! I hope it comes in time to wear to the RnR SD half marathon! 🙂

P.P.P.S. Enter my Nuun Giveaway!!! You have until tomorrow!

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Just in case you didn’t hear, a new marathon world record was set this weekend. Kenyan Patrick Makau ran 26.2 miles in 2 hours 3 minutes and 38 seconds. Holy freaking bat balls that is fast.


What a show off.

He was just jealous of my 3 miles at an 11 min pace. He would have ran 7.1 miles in the time it took me to run 3 tonight. I can’t even conceive how fast that is.


I think maybe if I only ran only one mile and I sprinted my heart out, that I could run a mile in 8 minutes. I would probably pass out or vomit after. Or better yet, both. That is just so cool to me that someone can hold a 4:43 average pace for 26.2 miles.

I wasn’t expecting to write a whole post about this, but I thought it was news worthy of attention. These athletes aren’t recognized enough!!

Congratulations Patrick Makau!! I challenge you to a cup cake eating contest. We’ll see who is faster then!!


P.S. I am obsessed with our Vornado.


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