Tag Archives: goals


Last nights workout:

4 miles with my new shoes!!! 42:09 (10:32 pace)
Apparently my new shoes make me wanna go fast! My first mile was a nice and slow warm up (as usual)  at about an 11:50 pace.  In order to get down to a 10:32 average, that means I was doing about 10 minute miles for the last 3!! It has been a LONG time since I have done that. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Weeeee.

Needless to say, so far so good on the shoe front.


Just in case you haven’t been stalking my mileage widget on my blog, last night I surpassed the 300 mile threshold for the year!!!


That was the goal I set for myself starting January 1. I made it with 2 1/2 months to spare!! I guess that is what spontaneous half mary training will do to ya. I am excited to see how high that mileage will get, because I will basically be in training the rest of the year.

Speaking of half marathons, I just found out some awesome news… if you run the Rock N Roll Seattle AND the Rock N Roll Portland, then you get a limited edition medal for “Rockin’ the Pacific Northwest” ON TOP of getting the Rock Encore Heavy Medal Bling!!!

portland rnr

I NEEEEEEEEED that medal. I SO wish I would have signed up for the race when it was only $55. It is $95 from now until 12/31, so I have a little bit of time to decide for sure or not, but I definitely think I need that medal in my collection.

Man, the things we do and pay for in order to get a $3 medal… SO worth it.


Is anyone else considering ‘Rockin the Pacific Northwest’ this year?


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I’m kicking my ass, do you mind?!

Liar liar kicking my ass

Last nights workout:
5 miles in 55:36 (11:07 pace)
2×25 girl pushups
Plank A Day

Wooo! Finally a kick ass run! Felt SOOO good!

Ok guys, I am so determined right now. I am giving myself 1 month to kick ass and tone this bod up. Hubs parents are flying up over Labor Day weekend and my parents are flying up the weekend after that. I am giving myself until labor day weekend to seriously drop this extra baggage. I know I have said this before, but I was only half way determined before. I am totally serious now. I MIGHT even consider posting before and after pictures on here. We will see how brave I am.

I have started getting my plan together and it is going to be awesome. I am not going to focus just on running. I am going to incorporate a lot of strength training and cross training as well. Push ups will be happening because my arms are losing definition at a rapid pace. Ab work will be a MUST. There is nothing that makes you feel more huge than serious muffin top.
muffin top shirt
So true.

I am going to write up a training plan for the month and I am going to stick to it. Let’s call it “Kick Ass In August”! Who is with me?!

I have some other plans for August too. Has anyone noticed my lack of book reviews? I haven’t posted one because I haven’t read any books since The Hunger Games series. I have been on page 1 of The Help for a couple months now. So, in August I am going to read TWO books. That is my goal. It’s all about time management, people!

Thirdly, I want to FINALLY finish getting our house decorated. We are so close I can taste it. I think we just have our bedroom and guest room to decorate. Potential home tour post when I’m done? I think we can make that happen.

There you you have it folks!

What are your goals for August? Wanna join my K.A.I.A. Challenge?! 🙂


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